Dead Rising 2 Off The Record - ALI213 (Full ISO/2011)

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Dead Rising 2 Off The Record - ALI213  (Full ISO/2011)

Dead Rising 2 Off The Record - ALI213 (Full ISO/2011)
2011 l PC Game l Developer: Capcom Vancuver l Publisher: Capcom l 6.62 GB
Genres: Action / 3D / 3rd Person
Whathappens if you send Frank West Hero Dead Rising a town of Fortuna,the scene of the second part of the famous brick busting actionContinuation of the series will answer this burning question. Forgeteverything you know about Dead Rising 2 Frank is back, and Fortunewith his appearance will change once and for all!

In Off theRecord for a company with a courageous photojournalist you come up withnew types of zombie. You have to set their own hands to design devicesfor the destruction of the living dead, to understand the intricacies ofthe plot and explore areas of Fortune, in which Chuck Greene was notable to attend. You will find a zone of Uranus a theme parkentertainment. An extensive area, decorated in a science fiction styleand built up quite insane amusement, is an ideal platform for thedestruction of zombies.

And, of course, do not forget your cameracorrect Frank. Great shot, depending on the severity, drama and eveneroticism ... will be awarded extra points to prestige (PrestigePoints).

Welcome back, Frank! The protagonist of the original Dead Rising coming to Fortune, to put their orders here.
City Lights. Fortune will appear to your eyes transfigured: the newstoryline and missions, unexplored areas, unseen enemies and weapons fortheir destruction, new items and vehicles.
Say Syyyyr! Capturethe most brutal, horrific and funny moments, get prestige points andperform special missions by superkamery Frank.
Terrifying beauty.Famous game became even more sophisticated in technical terms: it canboast of improved productivity, less time loading and updating thenetwork code.

System requirements:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 with 2.2 GHz or better
Memory: 1 GB (XP) / 2GB (Vista / 7)
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTS/ATI Radeon HD 3850 or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0
Free space on hard drive space: 8.5 GB

1. Unpack
2. Run installer and use all Xs as serial
3. Apply crack.
4. Play

Dead Rising 2 Off The Record - ALI213  (Full ISO/2011)
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record - ALI213  (Full ISO/2011)


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